Mór Jókai
Memorial Endurance Tours

11 May 2024, Saturday

Miklós Bánffy
Memorial Endurance Tours

15 June 2024, Saturday

Pál Vasvári
Memorial Endurance Tour

13 July 2024, Saturday

Károly Kós
Memorial Endurance Tours

17 August 2024, Saturday
The Yuppi Camp Movement Association was established in 2011 to offer experiential therapy to children living with type 1 diabetes, juvenile arthritis or cancer through its free summer camps. EKE – Kolozsvár 1891 will donate 5% of the entry fees collected at its endurance tours towards covering the costs of the free experiential therapy camps.
With your entry fee you will also assist Yuppi in receiving even more children with chronic illnesses to its camps!
Honlapjaink fejlesztésének támogatói:
Communitas alapitvány Bethlen Gábor alap