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Pál VasváriPál Vasvári


“The nations want to advance side by side, not on each other's ruins.” (Pál Vasvári)

The first Pál Vasvári bicycle tour was organized by the Kolozsvár (Cluj) chapter of the Transylvanian Carpathia Society (EKE) on the 31st of July 2001, on the occasion of the annual EKE-camp, organized that year in Székelyjó (Săcuieu). That year presented a good opportunity for this tour to be launched, as it was the 175th anniversary of the birth of Pál Vasvári. EKE Kolozsvár has since organized the tour in every year, as part of the Vasvári Memorial Days in Körösfő (Izvoru Crișului), on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of the Battle of Fântânele, the 6th of July.

Körösfo és Vasvári Pál Körösfő és Vasvári Pál (Körösfő and Pál Vasvári)
by László Péntek (available only in Hungarian)

The Yuppi Camp Movement Association was established in 2011 to offer experiential therapy to children living with type 1 diabetes, juvenile arthritis or cancer through its free summer camps. EKE – Kolozsvár 1891 will donate 5% of the entry fees collected at its endurance tours towards covering the costs of the free experiential therapy camps.
With your entry fee you will also assist Yuppi in receiving even more children with chronic illnesses to its camps!
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Communitas alapitvány Bethlen Gábor alap