Important information

August 17
7:00 - 7:30
Cluj (Kolozsvár), Rooster Church
(Moților street 84)

August 17
09:30 - 10:30
Gârbău road

August 17
10:00 - 11:00
Stana (Sztána), Reformed Church

August 17
10:00 - 11:00
Dumbrava (Gyerővásárhely), Reformed Church parsonage
As in the previous years there was no demand for transportation to the start locations, we are not offering transportation to the START locations for the participants of the K28/36, K33-Alszeg, and K16/25 tours.
The K33-Alszeg participants can easily access the start in the center of Stana (Sztána) village by car, on the route Cluj (Kolozsvár) – Izvoru Crișului (Körösfő) – Șaula (Sárvásár) – Jebucu (Zsobok) – Stana (Sztána). Travel on the E60 DN1 European Road from Cluj (Kolozsvár) until Șaula (Sárvásár), then turn right onto the DJ103N asphalt road for 5.7 km from Șaula (Sárvásár) to Jebucu (Zsobok). Towards the end of the village turn right on a recently paved road and after 3.3 km you reach the center of Stana (Sztána) village. There you can safely and comfortably park your car for the duration of the tour.
The possibilities for parking in the vicinity of the Szentimrei Villa are limited and the roads leading there are bad. For this reason, as well as to protect the environment, we kindly ask the participants to park their cars in Stana (Sztána) village.
For the return from Stana/Sztána to Cluj/Kolozsvár, the organizers provide microbuses or buses and trucks for the bicycles. It is important to check on the registration form the transportations you require. The buses will depart from the center of Stana (Sztána) village at 18:00 and 21:00. For cyclists we recommend the departure at 18:00.
What will be provided for the participants?
- The organizers provide each participant with a bib, a time card, and at request with a tour map and/or memorial t-shirt; those who complete the tour will receive a certificate and a badge.
- The K53/62 and K28/36 participants will receive energizing food (apple, banana, muesli bar, wafer bar, grape-sugar) at CP 3 and 7 (Gârbău Road, Jebucu/Zsobok) and sandwiches at CP 4 (Dumbrava/Gyerővásárhely); the K16/25 and K33-Alszeg participants will receive energizing food (apple, banana, muesli bar, wafer bar, grape-sugar) at CP Jebucu/Zsobok. Water will be available at all checkpoints.
- At the end of the tour, at the Szentimrei Villa, the Szentimrei Foundation will invite all participants to a bowl of warm meal (cornmeal porridge with sour cream, cheese and cracklings) (after 2.00 PM).
- Out of consideration for the environment, single-use cups will not be available at the checkpoints; please bring your own bottle/cup.
Luggage transfer
If requested, the organizers can transfer the luggage of the participants (1 package per participant), free of charge, from the start location to the finish location, where they can be collected from the finish office. Luggage handed in for transfer must bear a ticket with the name and phone number of the participant. The organizers do not assume any responsibility for any valuables placed in the luggage.
Accommodation in Stana (Sztána)
If you do not wish to return to Cluj (Kolozsvár) at the end of the tour, you can sleep at the Szentimrei villa (Riszeg guest-house). Advance booking is required. Accommodation for one night costs 50 RON, with warm shower available. Booking and detailed information: Facebook page,, 0374-959244, 0745-850004, 0770-588389.
First Aid
The checkpoints will be provided with first aid kit.
A medical practitioner and a medical assistant will accompany the tour by car.
The mountain rescue service (Salvamont) has been notified about the tours. However, the participants should be aware that on certain sections it can take some time for the help to arrive. Everyone is responsible for their own safety and, if needed, should help other participants according to their abilities. For this reason, we ask all participants to bring with them a small first-aid kit, with the following recommended content: band aid, disinfectant (hydrogen-peroxide, Rivanol solution, Betadine), Magnesium tablets, bandage material.