Payment Options

The participation costs can be paid only AFTER registration, it is NOT possible to pay first and register afterwards.

Discounted payment deadline: April 15, 23:59

Late payment deadline: April 30, 23:59

The following payment options are available for participation costs:

By bank transfer

Attention! In case of bank transfers please e-mail ( us a proof of payment.

The participation costs can be paid by transfer to the following bank account:

  • Bank transfers within Romania:

    Bank name: Banca Transilvania
    Account owner: ASOCIATIA SCA - CLUJ 1891
    IBAN: RO54BTRLRONCRT0667894901
    Payment purpose (details): DONATIE JOKAI 2024 <participant name>

    Bank name: BCR
    IBAN: RO50 RNCB 0106 1075 3587 0001
    Payment purpose (details): DONATIE JOKAI 2024 <participant name>
  • Bank transfers from Hungary:

    Bank name: K&H Bank
    Account owner: BRANEA ROBERT-AUREL
    Bank account number: 1040 1024 6751 5051 5154 1017
    IBAN: HU51 1040 1024 6751 5051 5154 1017
    Payment purpose: ADOMANY JOKAI 2024  <participant name>

/* In case of transfers from abroad, all related charges shall be covered by the payer.

Cash payment at bank branches

  • At BCR (Banca Comercială Română) branches, to the following bank account:

          Bank name: BCR
          IBAN: RO50 RNCB 0106 1075 3587 0001
          Payment purpose (details): DONATIE JOKAI 2024 <participant name>

          ATTENTION! In case of CASH PAYMENT of the participation costs at BCR branches the bank charges an additional one-time fee.
          This fee is charged per transaction, therefore if the participation costs of several participants are paid together, the additional fee has to be added only ONCE.

By cash

Credit/debit card

  • At BCR (Banca Comercială Română) ATM machines, ONLY with BCR credit/debit card

          ATTENTION! In case of the payment of the participation costs at BCR’s ATM machines, the bank charges an additional one-time fee.
          This fee is charged per transaction, therefore if the participation costs of several participants are paid together, the additional fee has to be added only ONCE.

For other payment methods or currencies than those listed above please contact the organizers to agree on a convenient solution.


If a pre-registered participant paid the participation costs, but for some reason cannot take part in the event, the paid amount (entry fee + T-shirt + bus fare) will not be reimbursed, but the ordered T-shirt will be delivered.

Honlapjaink fejlesztésének támogatói:
Communitas alapitvány Bethlen Gábor alap