Online Registration – Bicycle 28/36

Online Registration – Bicycle 28/36

Available places: 297

Discounted entry period: until July 24., 12:00

Discounted payment deadline: July 24, 23:59


Late entry period: July 24., 12:00 - August 7., 12:00

Late payment deadline: August 7, 23:59

Communication language

Please select your preferred communication language. We will use this language in our oral and written communication with You, if possible.

Personal data

Accompanying adult

If the entrant is a child under 14, please fill out the data of the accompanying adult.


bldg., entrance, floor, apt.


Please provide a cell phone number if possible. In case of foreign numbers, specify the country code as well.
Please specify a valid e-mail address and enter it correctly, otherwise you will not receive our message confirming your successful registration and the amount to pay!

Member of EKE?

Entry fee

Discounted entry fees are available for students, children, pensioners, as well as for EKE members. If you are eligible for several discounts, you can choose the lower entry fee. If you claimed a discount, you have to produce at the start the certificate that proves your entitlement for the discount (EKE-pass, student ID, copy of the birth certificate, pension slip)! Otherwise the organizers may request the payment of the price difference.
* EKE membership discount is applicable if the membership fee for 2024 is paid.
Member of EKE
Pensioner, student, pupil over 14 years of age
Child under 14
* Children born later than 17 August 2010 are considered to be under 14.
Special discounts
If you request a special discounted entry fee for social or other reasons, please choose one of the above options and provide a motivation for your request in the box below.
If you requested a special discount, please wait for the organizers’ reply and only after that pay your participation costs. We do NOT refund paid amounts, neither in full, nor in part.

Do you require printed tour map with detailed description?

Do you require transport?

For the return trip from Sztána (Stana) to Kolozsvár (Cluj), the organizers provide minibuses or buses and trucks for the bicycles. Return transportation may be requested after this deadline as well, even at the finish in Sztána (Stana), with a surcharge, as long as there are available places.
For detailed information about transportation read the Important Information, chapter Transportation.
(Sztána (Stana) – Kolozsvár (Cluj))

Do you want a Kós memorial T-shirt?

ATTENTION! Memorial T-shirt price: 35 RON / 2800 Ft.

Food during the tour

Where have you found out about the tour?

Contact for emergencies

Please provide the name and phone number of a person to contact for you in case of emergency!
Please provide a cell phone number if possible. In case of foreign numbers, specify the country code as well.


Amount to pay: 0 RON / 0 Ft

Registration instructions
Please fill out carefully and accurately the registration form, then click on the "Registration" button. After this an on-screen message will confirm the successful registration. At the same time, the data entered in the registration form will be sent via e-mail to both the entrant and the organizers. If you do NOT receive this e-mail after registration, your registration FAILED! Please, try to fill out the form again, with more attention, then submit the form, or contact the organizers.

Please, press the registration button ONLY ONCE, and wait until the system processes the data.
The Yuppi Camp Movement Association was established in 2011 to offer experiential therapy to children living with type 1 diabetes, juvenile arthritis or cancer through its free summer camps. EKE – Kolozsvár 1891 will donate 5% of the entry fees collected at its endurance tours towards covering the costs of the free experiential therapy camps.
With your entry fee you will also assist Yuppi in receiving even more children with chronic illnesses to its camps!
Honlapjaink fejlesztésének támogatói:
Communitas alapitvány Bethlen Gábor alap