Tell us your opinion

Tell us your opinion

Please help us to make next years’ tour even more successful.

How did you like the route?

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

How well-organized was the event?

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

Have you used the GPS tracks?
Quality of GPS tracks?

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

Did you lose your way during the tour?
Why do you think it happened?

How do you rate the difficulty of the tour?

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

Did you used the tour guide?
Rate the quality of the tour guide

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

Rate the helpfulness of the checkpoint stewards

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

Rate the quality of the catering

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

How well-organized was the transportation?

1 - bad / 5 - excellent

Would you take part next year?
only if

Honlapjaink fejlesztésének támogatói:
Communitas alapitvány Bethlen Gábor alap